Posted: July 16, 2015
By: Dr Peter Clark

In general, our immune system does a remarkable job of defending against disease-causing microorganisms. The immune system is a system, not a single entity and it requires balance and harmony. We can make simple changes to strengthen our immune system and increase our chances of staying healthy.

Do your homework
There are many products that on the market that claim to boost or support immunity. However, boosting immune cells may not necessarily be a good thing. There are many different types of immune cells and little is known about which cells to boost and in what amount.
The body is continually generating new cells (including immune cells) and reducing what it doesn’t need through a natural process called apoptosis. There has been much research to find the effects of factors from foods, herbal supplements, exercise and stress on immunity. However, it remains a mystery of how many cells or what kinds of cells the immune system needs to function at its optimum level. It is important to keep the nervous system free from subluxation interference and allow the immune system to funcition optimally.

As we know, it has long been recognized that people who live in poverty and are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Adequate water supply and proper sanitation play their parts as well.
Having access to foods high in nutrients is a key element in feeding the body and keeping a health immune system. Deficiencies in various micronutrients can obstruct the bodies ability to fight disease. There is evidence for example, that deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E alter immune responses in animals.
If you are concerned that you are not getting enough nutrients through food alone, it makes sense to take a quality liquid vitamin accompanied with fish oil. (Fish oil needs to be taken with a multivitamin in order for proper absorption). Be cautious if you decide to take a megadose of any one vitamin as not enough is known to properly insure effectiveness.

Every part of our body including our immune system, functions better when following basic healthy lifestyle guidelines:
    •    Do NOT smoke.
    •    Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat.
    •    Do NOT consume High Fructose Corn Syrup.
    •    Exercise regularly.
    •    Maintain a healthy weight.
    •    Try to avoid stress (long term stress can wreak havoc).
    •    If you drink alcohol, do so only in moderation.
    •    Get adequate sleep.
    •    Basic hygiene and food consumption rules (i.e. wash hands, don’t eat raw/undercooked chicken…)
    •    Get regular chiropractic spinal checks/adjustments to keep nervous system functioning optimally. Do not underestimate the importance of keeping a nervous system subluxation free and all body systems functioning properly.




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