Posted: September 18, 2015
By: Dr Peter Clark

Study: 20% Of Children Are Improperly Misdiagnosed With ADHD
Excerpt taken from article published September 8, 2015 by Amanda Froelich

Of the 6.4 million children labeled to have ADHD, 20% have been improperly diagnosed.

According to a new study conducted by the CDC, 20% of children (or 1 in 5) believed to have ADHD have been improperly diagnosed. Doctors wrongly diagnosing young ones could account for the ever-increasing spike of hyper-active children and teens.
The CDC surveyed 2,976 families then examined how children received the label of ADHD. They found that for the majority of cases, doctors used the American Academy of Pediatrics’ strict diagnostic guidelines. However, the physicians failed to use these guidelines in a shockingly high number of cases.
In addition, the survey led CDC investigators to conclude that children are being diagnosed with ADHD at younger ages; half of the children were diagnosed at age 6 or below: 17% at age 6, 14.6% at age 5, and 16% at age 4 or young.
Read More:

But what is the big deal? We have all heard stories where taking an Adderall can help a college student get through a test with a better score. Sounds good, or does it…? What is the actual toll of amphetamines? Research the info and then decide for yourself.

Adderall is a stimulant drug, classified by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as Schedule II, in the same class of highly addictive drugs as morphine, opium and cocaine. The DEA states that the use of stimulants can lead to “severe psychological or physical dependence” and that “these drugs are also considered dangerous.” Adderall is also known as Adderall XR.
Adderall Drug Warnings:
There have been 10 drug regulatory agency warnings from two countries (United States and Canada). These include the following (note that some warnings cite more than one side effect, so the list below may not be equal to the total number of warnings):

  • 7 warnings on Adderall causing death/sudden death
  • 5 warnings on Adderall causing heart problems
  • 4 warnings on Adderall causing stroke
  • 2 warnings on Adderall causing heart attacks
  • 2 warnings on Adderall causing mania/psychosis
  • 1 warning on Adderall causing hallucinations
  • 1 warning on Adderall causing agitation
  • 1 warning on Adderall causing aggression
  • 1 warning on Adderall causing skin reactions/problems
  • 1 warning on Adderall causing restricted blood flow




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