Is saturated fat or cholesterol the problem?... Probably neither.

Previously, the thought was that the higher the percent of fat consumption the higher the chance of heart disease. And cholesterol from fat has been viewed as a major risk in heart disease. But new research is showing this to be untrue.

As an example…. Lithuanian’s consume less saturated fat than most of the world and yet have one of the highest rates of heart disease in the world.
As opposed to France where the average Frenchman consumes considerably more saturated fat, yet the French have lower heart disease deaths.

The rethinking of Cholesterol.

All cholesterol (LDL - low density lipoprotein and HDL - high density lipoprotein) are lipoproteins (meaning fats combined with proteins). Lipoproteins are carried through the body in blood. Large LDL particles are not harmful, as they are carried back to the liver and flushed from the body. The smaller denser LDL particles can potentially be a problem, because they can squeeze through the lining of your arteries. If they oxidize, they can cause damage and inflammation.

Therefore how and to what extent the fats combines with the protein particles needs to be the focus, not the fat itself. By looking at the number of LDL particles (rather than the amount of LDL cholesterol), is a better assessment of the risk of heart disease.

Are they Statins being prescribed based on a false hypothesis and are doing more harm than good? 

Noted by Dr. Frank Lipman:
“the medical profession is obsessed with lowering your cholesterol because of misguided theories about cholesterol and heart disease. Why would we want to lower it when the research actually shows that three-quarters of people having a first heart attack, have normal cholesterol levels, and when data over 30 years from the well-known Framingham Heart Study showed that in most age groups, high cholesterol wasn't associated with more deaths?
In fact, for older people, deaths were more common with low cholesterol. The research is clear – statins are being prescribed based on an incorrect hypothesis, and they are not harmless."


Sherif Sultan, a professor of Vascular and Endovascular surgery notes that many people have in fact improved their health by getting off statins.

  • Satins promote calcification of your arteries - arterial calcification increases heart disease.
  • Satins deplete the body of CoQ10. CoQ10 helps the mitochondria burn fuel more effectively.
  • Satins increase insulin resistance. Insulin resistance promotes chronic inflammation and releases free radicals. Chronic inflammation can lead to disease including heart disease (ironically), thyroid disruption, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer to name a few.
  • Satins raise blood sugar, increasing risk of diabetes. (Drug induced diabetes, often misdiagnosed as type 2 diabetes (and prescribed additional drugs)).
  • Satins inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K2. Raising the risk for atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart failure.
  • Satins reduce Squalene which can raise the risk of immune system dysfunction.
  • Satins interfere with the mevalonate pathway, a central pathway for your body’s steroid management.
  • Satins are toxic to the mitochondria. They can impair mitochondria heart muscle function, alter intracellular signaling proteins and disrupt the energy molecules of your body.

What are the REAL Causes Heart Disease?
Anything that causes damage to your artery walls, interferes in disease processes, and causes blood clotting are the real culprits of heart disease.

A diet with ADDED SUGARS, particularly, processed fructose, are a large cause of metabolic dysfunction and heart disease. One of the bigger factions to raise the odds of dying from heart disease is the use of added sugars. Larger than age, sex, activity level or bmi.

Sugar and fructose can cause damage to the endothelial wall or inner wall of a blood vessel (including heart). Once the wall is damaged, a “scab” is formed for repair. the endothelial wall grows over the scab causing a thickening of the wall. This condition is called atherosclerosis. 

Playing an even greater part in heart disease is TRANS FATS. These synthetic fatty acids are exactly that…. synthetic. They are produced during a hydrogenation process. (They are not present in fats from animal or vegetable products.) Trans fats prevent the productions of prostacyclin, which is necessary to keep your blood flowing. Without prostacyclin, blood clots form.

While some fats might be okay to consume at room temperature, they “oxidize” when heated. Never cook with vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, and sunflower oils .

Easy lifestyle changes to protect YOUR heart.

  • Avoid ALL trans fat hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils - replace them with healthier fats such as coconut, avocados and raw nuts, coconut oil, even butter or lard.
  • Exercise! Exercise protects your heart by normalizing insulin and leptin levels.
  • Get out! Go outside and get Vitamin D. Vitamin D reduces hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. (if you can’t get out or it is winter, take a Vitamin D supplement.)
  • Keep your nervous system free from interference! Get your spine checked regularly at American Family Spine and Health. Call today 704-792-2700!




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